About me!

Hello world! My name is B, aka RapscallionCoke! I was born in the year 2005. Yeah, I'm getting old, unfortunately. Anyways, I like a lot of things, as I'm not particulary fond of restricting myself to certain things. Finding Neocities and seeing so many wonderful websites that sent me back a nostalgia trip, inspired me to make my own. So, I made this website not only as a way for me to learn web development, but also making my own little corner in the world wide web.

My Interests :3

Things I dislike...

Raw Tomatoes
They ick me, I don't like their texture.

Being told what to do.
I like doing things my own way usually, and if I want help I'll ask for it.

Loud Noises
I like peace and quietness, this is mainly about my little brother always being too noisy.

No Subtitles.
I need subtitles when watching anything, I can't hear shit most of the time.